This is for...

To all those interested in visiting this wonderful Country! Or, simply, to all those who have realized that we are not alone in the World!

14 jul 2010


This fluffy, friendly, fat cat followed me to the beach today. Yeah, he came all the way from what I reckon is his house to the seashore!

Now, I don´t know about you, but this is the first time in my life that I´ve ever seen these two together: that is a cat and the sea only six feet one from the other! So while I wrote, watched the sunset and admired some cute surfers, this little cat explored the dunes, took a leak and then covered the remaining, purred and chased some seagulls.

I also had a very entertaining conversation with this kitty. Sometimes, you must agree, chatting with felines is more amusing than conversing with other human beings. Once, at the beginning of my trip, I met this kiwi guy that worked at an Information Centre. Considering that he knows about places, activities and destinations, one would suppose he´s interesting, travelled, well read… But, leaving aside the fact that I could barely hear his voice when he spoke, his conversations were so dull, so boring I had to force myself to keep track of what he was talking about. I will always remember him as the “Snooze guy…”.

This other time I met an Argentine girl who comes from one of the snobbiest places in Buenos Aires. Goodness Gracious! She must have forgotten her manners back home, because I couldn´t keep record of how many times DICK, SHIT and FUCK were pronounced during our short talk. I met her at a fucking Backpacker in Gisborne and though fucking short and fucking brief was our encounter, to me it lasted fucking ages!

So going back to the friendly cat I met today, I must add that I really miss My adorable Cat Dona who I left with my parents in Argentina. I can talk to my family every day, I can see them through Skype or even write a hundred e-mails to them per week, but I can´t squash my cat through my notebook; I can´t stroke her or kiss her or play with her! And even though I keep myself amused when chatting to other kitty cats, my Dona can´t be replaced. There´s no cat in the world who could resemble her. Will she remember me when I go back home? Or will she stare at me with that superior look and just walk away?

Has this ever happen to you? Do you have pets you love with all your might and had to leave behind for a long period?

Write to me and tell me your story! I´ll feel less alone in this madness!

5 comentarios:

  1. No te preocupes que a Dona la están cuidando con el mismo amor que vos le dabas... pero obvio que extraña a la mamá!!! Seguro que cuando vuelvas te lo va a echar en cara y te lo va a demostrar con indiferencia... pero después va a volver con todo el amor de siempre!!!

  2. jajajajaja ahora se puede dejar comentario sin cuenta y yo tengo ahora otra cuenta de mail!!!! Besitos!!!

  3. edna: estoy segura de que trayendole unos regalitos a la adorable dona, seguro te va a re conocer. :) eso lo tienen todos los gatos. pero si ... seguro que te va a reconocer y como dice ingrid te lo va a reclamar..
    pasala lindo .. y si le traes un kiwi (animalito sin cola) va a estar mas contenta aun... aunque capaz que en la aduana te retengan por tranfico de kiwis.. y explicarle: no solo traigo uno .. y es para mi gatita... jajaja ... se van a reir un poco ... asi que creo que es mejor no hacer mi comentario ... pero seria divertido! ...

    saludos desde argentina! ...

  4. Georginetta!! tranquila q la dina nio para de estar conmigo!! se viene y se seinta conmigo en la compu..o duerme en mi cuarto..y si..te la robe...

  5. Hola Cu!!

    Qué bueno tu blog... me encantó! Y este paseo por la playa con un gatito amigo me resultó muy simpático. Es cierto lo que dicen todos: tu Donita / Pona y demás apodos que le das, está gorda y bien y estará contenta de verte a tu regreso.

    Te dejo para seguir leyendo... Me gustó mucho el artículo del mundial.

    Besote!!! (no te digo tu apodo xq aquí no sería apropiado jajajjajajaj)
